Gods Will Fall

Gods Will Fall v35+DLC
Gods Will Fall DRM-Free Download – PC Game – Full GOG Version – GOG UNLOCKED – GOGUNLOCKED – GOG-GAMES

Title: Gods Will Fall
Genre(s): Action – Adventure – Fantasy
Works on: Windows (10, 11)
Release date: January 29, 2021
Company: Clever Beans / Deep Silver


Gods Will Fall

Minimum System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 x64Hard drive: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 460 or AMD equivalent
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 7 GB available space

Recommended System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 x64Hard drive: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7950
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 7 GB available space

About this game:

You Are The Last Hope For Humanity
The gods’ torturous rule over humanity has lasted for millennia. Bent on cruelty and suffering, they demand to be served with blind worship through an oath of fealty pledged from every man, woman and child. To those who don’t submit to the gods’ will; a slow and merciless death awaits.

Experience the brutal trials of a venturous band of warriors in their desperate plight to sever the gods’ callous grip on humanity. Every man and woman who can muster a blade, having suffered the brutality of the gods’ reign for too long, will be called upon to form your clan of 8 Celtic survivors and rise up to take on the legions of horrific beasts and minions that dwell in each of the gods’ hellish realms.

A personal tale emerges with every decision made. Succeed and see legends born. Fail, and watch lives turn to dust.


– Iconic Gods & Realms

Unravel the dark secrets of each ancient God as you venture into their elaborate and perilous lairs. Crawling with minions who will stop at nothing to defend their deities, each location will be deadlier than the last.

– Celtic Warrior Clan

With 8 different warriors of every size, each equipped with their own exclusive weapon type, choose your next hero wisely. Success is hard earned and brings unique skills, weapons and items but failure will see the challenger imprisoned and screaming for salvation.

– Navigate a World of Duality

Savour the calming sights as you explore the stunning and lush terrain of the Overworld. But beyond each ancient doorway, lies a god’s realm. Brimming with foul creatures, stalking a world built from human suffering. Each path you tread and each door you open will be different from the last, ensuring a brand new tale unfolds every time.

A Lesson in Brutality

With a pick up and play combat style that is easy to learn but hard to master, a massive challenge awaits all who venture within. Strengthen your warrior by entering the fray and embracing the berserker within. Defeat is always moments away as the gods await their challenger.

– Create Your Own Immortal Tale

Every choice has a consequence for your clan, for better or for worse with no going back. As lives are shattered and heroes born, the fate of each new story lies in your hands, waiting to become a legend.

More Info:

Gods Will Fall (c) Clever Beans / Deep Silver

You are humanity’s last hope. The agonizing rule of the gods over people continues for millennia. Reveling in the harshness and suffering of others, they demand blind obedience and worship, sealed by an oath of service from every man, every woman, every child. Those who refuse to obey the divine will will face a slow and merciless death.

More info here:



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Game Media:

Screen Shots:

Gods Will Fall screenshot 1

Gods Will Fall screenshot 2

Gods Will Fall screenshot 3


How to Download & Install:

Click the DRM Free Gods Will Fall v35+DLC link below to download.
Wait until client finishes downloading to 100% and then locate the file/s folder.
Follow the step(s) to install:
– Run or Double click setup_gods_will_fall_35_(64bit)_(47074). exe
– Run or Double click DLC/ setup_gods_will_fall_-_valley_of_the_dormant_gods_35_(64bit)_(47074). exe
Thats it, play and enjoy!
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