
Outwars DRM-Free Download – PC Game – Full GOG Version – GOG UNLOCKED – GOGUNLOCKED – GOG-GAMES

Title: Outwars
Genre: Shooter – TPP – Sci-fi
Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11)
Release date: April 17, 1998
Company: SingleTrac / Throwback Entertainment



Minimum System Requirements:

System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Processor: 1.8 GHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)
Storage: 1GB available space

About this game:

You’ve just landed on the endangered species list: Swarms of exoskeletal aliens are ripping a merciless path of annihilation through the galaxy. Your outposts have fallen – your drop zone just became the front line. Strap a Jet Pack onto your battle armor and select from the lethal array of weaponry – you and your squad are all that stand between Earth and the savage horror of the relentless Skull hordes.
– Get vertical or get dead: Should you attack from the sky? What about escaping the cavernous depths? Shrewd use of your Jet Pack fuel keeps your options open.

– Make no mistake, you’re the prey: Skulls hunt in packs. They swarm, they flank, and they learn from their mistakes.

– Death knows no boundaries: Blasting through a cave’s close quarters takes a different strategy (and weaponry) than speeding through the vast vertical zones.

– There is no path of least resistance: Jet pack, hang glide, or hit the ground running – how you get through the Skulls is up to you.

– Become an efficient killing machine: Mission after mission – equip yourself wisely and you just might survive.

– Nowhere to hide: Skulls attack and ambush from every direction – including up.

– Polish your devastation skills: Wield a lethal arsenal that includes flamethrowers, mines, heat seeking swarm missiles, and frag grenades.

More Info:

Outwars (c) SingleTrac / Throwback Entertainment

As a Dreadnaut soldier, you will lead a team of space troopers against an alien insect force in a planet by planet battle to save the universe. You are the best we have. You are one mean space marine. Succeed in your mission objectives and we all survive. Fail…and you condemn us all.

More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/outwars

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Game Media:

Screen Shots:

Outwars screenshot 1

Outwars screenshot 2

Outwars screenshot 3


How to Download & Install:

Click the DRM Free Outwars link below to download.
Wait until client finishes downloading to 100% and then locate the file/s folder.
Follow the step(s) to install:
– Run or Double click setup_outwars_1.0_(39823).exe
That’s it, play and enjoy!
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